Monday, September 24, 2018

Senor, Sana MIS Heridas / Lord, Heal My Hurts: A Devotional Study on God's Care and Deliverance libro - Kay Arthur .epub

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Lastimado por el abuso fisico, emocional o mental? Tentado a pensar que no tienes cura? Necesitas conocer a Jehova-Rafa - el Senor tu Sanador. Este estudio ha sido usado por Dios para liberar a miles de personas de anos de heridas y para que caminen en una vida nueva! Instrucciones para el uso en el grupo se encuentran al final del libro y preguntas para discusion se encuentran al final de cada capitulo. Hurting from physical, emotional, or mental abuse? Tempted to think you're beyond cure? You need to know Jehovah-Rapha - the Lord your Healer. This study has been used by God to set thousands of people free from years of hurt to walk in newness of life! Guidelines for group use in the back and questions for small group discussions are given after each chapter.
libro Senor, Sana MIS Heridas / Lord, Heal My Hurts: A Devotional Study on God's Care and Deliverance pdf
Descargar Senor, Sana MIS Heridas / Lord, Heal My Hurts: A Devotional Study on God's Care and Deliverance pdf Kay Arthur
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[Descargar] Senor, Sana MIS Heridas / Lord, Heal My Hurts: A Devotional Study on God's Care and Deliverance PDF Kay Arthur

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